10 Home Remedies for Dry Hair and Skin

Home-Remedies-for-Dry-HairSo winter is here, and there is no denying that. Maybe you are one to love the cold and the snow, maybe you are one who loves the heat and humidity. These seasons are on the complete opposite sides of the spectrum, but would you believe that those two types of people actually have something in common?

Dry hair and skin are conditions that we just cannot avoid during the cold, winter months.

Aside from the snow and occasional rain showers, the only moisture in the air is the steam from the shower (even that isn’t good for you). With that being said, we have compiled a list of 10 home remedies for dry hair and skin for you to follow, in case you are one of the many who suffer from this. The best part?

Everything on this list are products that you already have at home, and some even call for a little relaxation!

1. An Oil wrap. The best to use is coconut oil, but you could also use sesame or olive oil. Simply rub it in your hands and disperse the product throughout your hair and scalp. You can leave it on for a small amount of time, or you can leave it on argan-oil-s3-medium_newall night. It just depends on the results you want and how dry your hair is.

2. Cold water. Yes, especially in the winter time the steaming hot shower feels awesome, but it also dries out your already dry skin. Try taking a cooler shower, or taking a hot shower but for less time. If you have a more localized dry skin issue, you can use ice packs for immediate relief.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar. This will work by 2 different applications. The first is simply putting some of the apple cider vinegar in a bowl and using a cotton ball to apply it to the scalp. Rinse after 5-10 minutes. You can also dilute the mixture by adding equal parts of the vinegar and water, and applying it all over the hair after shampooing.

4. Baking Soda Bath. Add one cup of baking soda to a warm bath and soak for 30-60 minutes. Afterwards, pat to dry off, or air dry. Another benefit other than moisturizing your skin? It gives you a reason to relax for a little bit!

5. Milk. As you were told when you were growing up, Milk does the body good. It is full of proteins, vitamins, minerals and fats which are good for strengthening cells, especially hair cells. Mix 1/4 cup of powdered milk with some water to create a paste. Apply and massage the paste throughout the hair and scalp, cover your hair with a warm, damp towel and after some time simply rinse!

6. Oatmeal. Combine oatmeal with water and create a paste to spread on to your skin. If it is a specific spot that is irritated, you can simply apply the spread to that area. If you are itchy and dry over all, add the oatmeal to a lukewarm bath and soak. Remember to avoid using too hot water, as it will not allow the oatmeal to work, and possibly cause more irritation.

7. A filtered Faucet. The water that comes through your sinks and shower heads is full of chlorine, which dries out your hair. Ever step out of the shower and feel as though you didn’t even put conditioner in it? Hard water does more harm to the hair, leaving it dry and difficult to comb out. Put a filter on your shower head, or whatever water source you use to wash your hair, and it will stop the minerals from coming through and drying it out. This also applies to your skin!

oatmeal-bath8. Water. Be sure that you are drinking enough water. The average 100 pound person should be drinking 8 glasses of water a day. Take that and figure out how much YOU should be drinking a day. Are you drinking enough? When your body is properly hydrated, your skin will be. This will reduce dry, itchy skin, as well as break outs!

9. Banana. Would you think? It is a beautifying fruit because it is rich in vitamins, antioxidants and potassium. Simply mash however many bananas you desire to create a paste, even add an oil to it to add extra moisture and spread it over your hair and scalp. Leave it on for 15 minutes at least and rinse with warm water.

10. Herbs. You can use herbs such as peppermint, thyme and basil to relieve your dry, itchy skin. Simply boil the herbs in water, strain, and dip a wash cloth in the tea. Spread over the skin for relief and healing.

Have you tried any of these? Do they work for you? Hopefully if you haven’t already given them a shot that you do! We would love to hear feedback on what worked and what didn’t. If you have any remedies yourself that help with dry hair and skin, please share your secret! Although this time of year is harsh on most, we can break out of its wrath by staying moisturized from head to toe, and having strong, healthy, shiny hair.


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