10 Facts About Your Nails

10 Facts About Your Nails

imagesHere at Visions Hair and Nail Salon we take the health of your hair and nails seriously. Below are some facts that you may find interesting about your nails.

1. Nail problems make up about 10% of all dermatological conditions.
2. Fingernails grow faster than toenails – especially on your dominant hand. On average, fingernails grow 3.5mm per month and toenails grow 1.6mm per month.
3. Nail growth rates depend on age, time of year, activity level and heredity.
4. Women’s nails grow more slowly than men’s.
5. Nail growth is affected by disease, nutrition, medications, trauma, chronic illness, fever and aging process.
6. Changes in your nails, such as discoloration or thickening, can signal health problems such as liver and kidney diseases, heart and lung conditions, anemia and diabetes.
7. Although rare, melanomas can grow under the nail. They can be mistaken for an injury, so you should consult with your dermatologist if a dark or discolored spot appears and does not go away within a normal amount of time.
8. Nails grow more rapidly in the summer.
9. Fungal infections cause about half of all nail disorders. This is especially prominent in toenails, because they are confined to a dark, moist environment.
10. Symptoms that possibly signal nail problems include a change in color, shape, thickness, and swelling of the skin around the nails.

See our nail services HERE.


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