4 Reasons to get a Pedicure RIGHT NOW!

1. They’re in hibernation. During the cold winter months, your feet are tucked away in their safe place, your socks and shoes. They should be fine there right? WRONG. There’s been an intruder and its name is FUNGUS. All though your shoes and socks serve as a protector for your feet, they are also keeping in all of the warmth and moisture created through-out the day, every day. What do dark places and moisture create? That nasty stuff called fungus which turns your toenails yellow and can even cause an odor. Getting a pedicure allows your feet to breathe, receive proper treatment, and also helps soak away any unwanted friends attached to your feet.
2. They’re drying up! Even though we just talked about how shoes and socks constantly on your feet keeps too much moisture in, for some people it doesn’t allow enough. Ever wonder why you have dry/cracked heals? You’re standing, walking, beating them up all day, and if they’re not sweating they’re taking the blunt force and becoming calloused. Besides, just because they are covered does not mean that they are always warm, and the cold, dry air does damage to them too. By getting a pedicure, you’re allowing them to get the proper treatment they need. Filing the feet allows for any calloused skin to be removed, and the lotion and oil allows for the proper hydration.
3. Routine Maintenance. Not only when your feet are in sandals should you be clipping the nails, moisturizing and polishing them. Through-out the winter months the routine maintenance of your toes is crucial! If you keep up with them monthly, when it’s time for them to be out and about there won’t be the initial “OMG HELP THEY’RE AWFUL” appointment. During a pedicure, your technician will cut the nails, push and cut back the cuticle, file and polish the toes. Of course the polish is optional, especially at this time of year. Your feet need this!
4. Stress Relief and Relaxation. So of course all of the previous are very important and are the main reasons as to why you should be getting a pedicure year round.
However, besides the health of your feet, pedicures promote the health of your mind.
You get to sit down for an hour, not around the hustle and bustle of your normal every day. Your feet sink in the warm water, the bubbles tickle your feet, they are getting the treatment they need and you are getting the relaxation you DESERVE. Before polishing, your lower legs and feet are massaged with a scrub of your choice, and then rubbed with either an oil or cream. Who could say no to that? And again, polish is optional, especially when they won’t be out for all to see during the cold weather. Pedicure does not mean polish, it simply means professional care for the feet and toenails.
Now that you know the perks of having a pedicure, are you going to put that on your to-do list? The benefits are worth every penny, and your feet will thank you, especially when the warm weather comes. There IS warmer weather coming right? We sure hope so!